I do own quite a few hats, and I do have a hat for every occasion--my ball cap for when it's warm and I run, my beanies for when I run in the cold, my artistic-power cap (I've got a picture of me in this on here), my beanies that my ex-girlfriend knitted for me, etc., and that's as good a place as any to stop talking about my hats. You get the point. I own them: I wear them. I'm over it.

If you haven't gotten it, yet, the hats are a metaphor, of course (not to insult your intelligence). I wear many hats. They are easy to change out. They fit the mood; they fit the task. I've never met someone like me--siblings excluded. I've always been a contradiction. Like an Alanis Morrisette song: I'm short, but I'm tall. I'm a geek, but I play ball. How many high schoolers do you know that have a job, are president of the chess club (a board one player), sing in choirs, play varsity football, and still have time to work for NASA? I mean, I did a lot more than that, and maybe I'll write about that sometime, but going on about it right now just sounds like bragging, so I’ll stop. If you want to know more, there is a good article about me published in Missouri State's FGB Times.

The real point is that I enjoy my many talents, and I wear each hat with pride, knowing that I only get to wear it for a short time before it's time to change it out for another one. I wouldn't have it any other way. I was born with a lot of abilities, and this world doesn't get to tell me to pick just one or two for the rest of my life. I'm far too intelligent. Participate? Yes. Conform? No.

This will be the theme for my blog. It is a record-keeping site for my self-development journey. I will explore who I already am and who I want to become. Some of the things you will have the chance to follow me doing are: writing more music and explaining the creative process behind what I’ve already written; learning Spanish, Italian, and French; reading new books; developing and enhancing my physical health through workout and diet; working toward professional goals; writing about language; learning to play piano; exploring Mother Earth; and exposing my world views through creative writing.

These are just a few of the big ones. My interests are ever changing. If I can find the time, I want to learn to dance. I know that you’re asking yourself, “Rob, I’ve seen you dance. You are a machine. What do you mean?” I mean that if I am to become a real-life version of the Most Interesting Man in the World, I need to be able to tango, salsa dance, two-step, etc. I don’t take a superlative adjective like most lightly. I am the comparative adjective better than that. Read about it.

Stay tuned this next week as I . . . (and the dot-dot-dots strike again).

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    Rob Blevins

    Rob is the Man of Many Hats. He has a background in English, but his plethora of talents and thirst for knowledge are what define him. This blog is an exploration of learning and self-actualization--just for the hell of it.


    January 2013


    The Man Of Many Hats